These wireless, non-wearable sensors operate using a Doppler radar that detects micro-movements of the human body such as a heartbeat or breathing. Doppler technology uses the frequency spectrum within mmWave, and in our case, we are using radar with a frequency of 60 GHz. Importantly, mmWave frequencies are non-ionising. In addition, the energy emitted by these devices is significantly lower than that used by mobile phones, or Wireless networks such as WIFI, which means they are intrinsically safe to use.
The frequency detected by the Doppler radar is used to measure velocity and the data is transmitted to the user interface. Care home personnel can then use the information displayed to monitor residents’ health and safety by assisting those whose movement is undetected. This helps overall healthcare management in healthcare facilities.

The sensors can be installed either overhead (above the bed) or below the mattress. We actually recommend for the sensors to be installed below the mattress, as in this location they are out of sight and the chances of false detections are also minimised. It is, in our view, a much more elegant deployment than when it is in plain view for everyone to see. Finally, by being attached to the bed frame means the sensor moves with the bed when the furniture in the room is rearranged, or simply the room layout changes.
These devices are wholly manufactured in-house by Sensor IT as we value creating sustainable and innovative solutions from the ground up. We intend to deploy them in the long run in public healthcare facilities.